S. No. | Title and Author (s) | Page No. |
1 | Zero Budget Natural Farming Mahiwal Singh Sisodiya, Ashwani Anil, Subhash Bajiya and Mukesh Kumar | 01-04 |
2 | Omics to Manage Abiotic Stresses Avadhoot B. Dharmadhikari and Aparna S. | 05-09 |
3 | Lumpy Skin Disease: Indian Cattle Saurabh Kumar Sinha and Vivek Kumar Yadav | 10-13 |
4 | Green Manuring – An Organic Approach towards Farming Ashish Kumar Sharma | 14-16 |
5 | Role of “Sulphur” Nutrient in Oilseed Crops Ashish Kumar Sharma | 17-20 |
6 | Harvesting and Handling of Fruit Crops Lokesh Kumar, Bharat Meghwal and Lal Chand Meena | 21-22 |
7 | Plant Response to Greenhouse Environments Lokesh Kumar, Bhardwaj R.L., Somendra Meena, Bharat Meghwal and Lal Chand Meena | 23-25 |
8 | Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS)/Vivipary Resistance in Rice: Implications for Crop Yield and Climate Resilience Prashantkumar S Hanjagi, Sushma M Awaji and Repudi Shalem Raju | 26-28 |
9 | Pheromones in Insect Pest Management Shinde Dnyaneshwar Dadarao, Yogesh Kashyap and Dr. Sunil Kumar Mandal | 29-33 |
10 | Importance of Millets (‘Sri Anna’), Types of Millets and Value Addition of Millets Vandana Kumari | 34-36 |
11 | Speed Breeding in Agriculture Gayatri Kumari, Sarita Devi and Satpal | 37-40 |
12 | Millets: The Indigenous Food Vivek Kumar Yadav and Saurabh Kumar Sinha | 41-44 |
13 | Garch-Midas Model used in Time Series Analysis Rakesh Kumar Meena, Bharat Meena and G L Meena | 45-48 |
14 | Time Series Analysis for Logistic Regression Model Rakesh Kumar Meena and Vishnu Shankar Meena | 49-51 |
15 | Bio Waste Management through Mushroom Cultivation and Beneficial Microbes Sonam Meena, Ajit Kumar Meena and Savita Meena | 52-54 |
16 | Sustainable Farming and Climate Change Situation Sonam Meena, Ajit Kumar Meena and Savita Meena | 55-57 |
17 | DNA Marker, Molecular Markers and their Applications in Genetics & Plant Breeding Sonam Meena, Savita Meena and Ajit Kumar Meena | 58-59 |
18 | Gene Pyramiding Into a Single Genotype & Seed Treatment Techniques in Different Crops Sonam Meena, Savita Meena and Ajit Kumar Meena | 60-62 |
19 | Rural Agricultural Work Experience of Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College Students at Arni Block Santhaana Lakshmi J, Dhanalakshmi P, Keerthana M, Sowmiya R, Tamilselvi B, Vaishnavi S R, Jayanthi M, Indhumathy K and Vasanthapriya S | 63-73 |
20 | Agri-tourism –A Key to Boost the Economy of Rural Hill Regions Suraj Kumar and Divyani Soni | 74-76 |
21 | Biopesticides and Its Advantages in Agriculture P. K. Kumawat, Reena and Amit K. Singh | 77-79 |
22 | Micro and Nanoplastic Pollution in Water Anamika Tiwari and Dr. Indu Shukla | 80-82 |
23 | Zero Budget Natural Farming: Thinking beyond Organic Farming Hem Singh | 83-85 |
24 | Carbon Trading: An Ecofriendly Way to Mitigate Climate Change Nakul Goyal and Jaidev Sharma | 86-89 |
25 | Grapes and Its Benefits Y.D. Haritha | 90-91 |
26 | The Significance of Sustainable Development is Cleanliness and Clean Water Shanker Suwan Singh | 92-93 |
27 | Assessment of Soil Physico-chemical Quality Indicators in Rice Soils of Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu, India L. Seevagan, R.K. Kaleeswari, M.R. Backiyavathy, K. Balachandar and D. Amirtham | 94-101 |
28 | Nutritional Disorders in Citrus: Identification and Management Hiralal Chaudhary, Pratik Chaudhary and Aakash Chaudhari | 102-104 |
29 | The Significance of Microbes in Agriculture Shantanu M. Jadhav | 105-108 |
30 | Agripreneurship and Rural Development Diksha Rani, Shikha Bhukal and Sanyogita | 109-111 |
31 | Boron – Importance in Plant Growth Sonal Sharma, Anju Choudhary and Hansa Kumawat | 112-114 |
32 | Secondary Nutrients: Role in Crop Production Sonal Sharma, Anju Choudhary and Neha Khardia | 115-117 |
33 | Insect and Mite Pest Management in Greenhouses Amar Singh and Akshay Kumar Singh Pratihar | 118-121 |
34 | Spectral Signatures of Plant Shivashankar K | 122-123 |
35 | Bamboo based Agroforestry System for Maintaining Ecosystem and Sustainability in India Shambhavi Awasthi, Vinita Bisht and Vishal Johar | 124-127 |
36 | Role of Chemical Hybridizing Agents in Seed Production Shivani, Naresh and Kavita | 128-131 |
37 | Role of Modern Electronics in Agriculture Ulfat Jan and Amir Hussain Sheir | 132-134 |
38 | Global Warming and Its Effects on Fisheries and Aquaculture: An Overview Guntapalli Sravani, Kolupula Akhil Kumar, Kamil akamad. D, Uppalanchi Prasanna Laxmi and Kommu Madhu | 135-138 |
39 | Natural Resources (Renewable and Non-renewable) Management Strategies Amit Tomar, A.K. Mishra, S.P. Singh, H.H. Khan, Prachi Patel and R.P. Singh | 139-141 |
40 | Dermatophytoses in Animals Deepak Soni | 142-143 |
41 | Duck Farming: A Profitable Source of Income Bharat A. Pata, Sneh D. Patel and Dixit K. Parasana | 144-147 |
42 | Protected Cultivation: An Innovative Approach Sekhar Kumar, Priyanka Sanwal, R. S. Garhwal and Narender Pal | 148-151 |
43 | Nanotechnology- A New Emerging Aspect of Agriculture Narender Pal, Sekhar Kumar, Priyanka Sanwal and Satender Kumar | 152-154 |
44 | Major Seed Born Diseases of Pulse Crops and Management Dharmendra Yadav, Digvijay Singh, Varun Tyagi, Ankush Kumar and Ankit Kumar Singh | 155-156 |
45 | Conservation Agriculture: Need of Future Divya Pipalde, Dr. Nisha Sahu, Dr. R.C. Jain and Dr. S.C. Gupta | 157-160 |
46 | Agrochemicals Affecting Soil Enzymatic Activity Kundan, Vishnu Bapurao Gore, Devendra Kumar, Shilpee Kumari and Sonu Bharti | 161-163 |
47 | Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture Sunil Kumar Yadav, Mamta Yadav, M.R. Yadav and Tahir Mohammad Chauhan | 164-170 |
48 | Green Farm: A New Approach of Farming Archana Prasad, Anoop Badoni, Adarsh Dangwal, Ashish Negi and Chandan Kumar | 171-173 |
49 | Hybridization and Selfing Techniques in Indian Mustard Ramesh Kumar Kamal Kumar Sharma and Ruchi Bishnoi | 174-175 |
50 | Worldwide Organizations Involved in Seed Ramesh Kumar, Ruchi Bishnoi and Kamal Kumar Sharma | 176-179 |
51 | Techniques to utilize Crop Wild Relatives in Agriculture Lalit Kumar, Kavita and Mehak Nagora | 180-181 |
52 | Intelligent Packaging of Food Products Abdullah Zaid, Ali Khan and Deepak Tomar | 182-185 |
53 | Guava: Floral Biology and Hybridization Madhubala Thakre | 186-188 |
54 | Drip Irrigation: Efficient Irrigation System Manisha, Bas Kaur, Sahil Boora and Shikha Bhukal | 189-190 |
55 | Smart Farming in India: How IoT is Revolutionizing Agriculture Avadhoot B. Dharmadhikari and Aparna S. | 191-193 |
56 | Role of Agriculture in Economy Abhishek, Manoj Saini and Akshay Mehta | 194-195 |
57 | Bio Fortification: Process to Overcome the Nutrient Laxman Kumawat, Drishty Katiyar, M.L. Dotaniya and A.S. Jadeja | 196-198 |
58 | Pheromones in Insect-Pest Management Rimlee Das and Sunil Kumar Mandal | 199-203 |
59 | Mission “Farm to Fork” Kanchan Yadav and Gurshaminder Singh | 204-205 |
60 | Damping off Disease of Withania somnifera: Disease Distribution, Symptomology and Management Kartar Singh, Vijay Singh Meena, Neelam Shekhawat, Dama Ram, Manoj Choudhary, Mahendra Kumar Saran, Mahavir Prasad Chawla and Manoj Sharma | 206-209 |
61 | Growing Smarter: The Future of Plant Health with Artificial Intelligence Ashish Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Bairwa, Badal Singh, KK Mishra and Lakshmi Kant | 210-213 |
62 | Seed Treatment for Crop Protection Garima Tak, Anshul Sharma, Chetana Sharma and Kishan Kumar | 214-216 |
63 | Importance of Minor Millets (Nutri Cereals) for Nutrition Purpose in Present Scenario Himansuman, Himanshi Jhalora and Naven Kumar Meena | 217-219 |
64 | Secondary Agriculture: To Enhance Income of Farmers Himansuman, Naven Kumar Meena and Himanshi Jhalora | 220-222 |
65 | Gender Equality and Women Empowerment through ICT Manisha Sharma and Kalyani Konch | 223-227 |
66 | Role of Media in Natural Resource Management Kalyani Konch and Manisha Sharma | 228-230 |
67 | Intercropping: A Strategy for Enhancing Food Security Manisha, Bas Kaur, Sahil Boora and Shikha Bhukal | 231-234 |
68 | Role of Biofertilizers towards Sustainable Agriculture Jyoti Sharma, Deepak Kumar and Naveena | 235-238 |
69 | Crop Residue Management for Sustainable Agriculture Jyoti Sharma, Deepak Kumar and Naveena | 239-241 |
70 | Millets: The Nutri-Cereals Manisha, Bas Kaur, Sahil Boora and Shikha Bhukal | 242-245 |
71 | Improved Package and Practices of Pigeonpea Meenu and Sintu Malik | 246-247 |
72 | Mobile Applications for Promotion of Sericulture Industry in India Likhith Gowda M. and Manjunatha H. B. | 248-251 |
73 | Climate Smart Agriculture: An Approach for Sustainable Food Security Jyoti Sharma and Deepak Kumar | 252-256 |
74 | Natural Farming: A Way towards Sustainability Jyoti Sharma and Deepak Kumar | 257-259 |
75 | Lichens: A Beneficial Alliance of Fungus and Algae S. Dilip Kumar Reddy and Syed Nyamath | 260-262 |
76 | Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs (PPFMS) Syed Nyamath, S. Dilip Kumar Reddy and B. Maheswara Reddy | 263-265 |